Monday, February 14, 2011

Willyum + Ariel, Blog No. 5, Part 1

Nature's Dance

The id comprises the unorganised part of the personality structure that contains the basic drives and acts according to the pleasure principle, seeking to avoid pain or discomfort. The id is unconscious by nature. It is the dark, inaccessible part of our personality filled with energy fed from the instincts, but it has no organization, produces no collective will, but only strives to satisfy these instinctual needs.

ID will be hand rendered on the front of the dress, continuing from the ink bleeding from the hemline. The whole idea of the concept is represented by the child–like aspects of the id, which is also why the instinctual brush strokes will be used to actually write out the message. 


For the Nebula/Space like dress we decided that we don't directly want to say something with words. Instead we went with the idea of having a map or a simple constellation on the back of the dress in between the shoulders. In this area of the dress we want to have a nude mesh like fabric to cover the exposed area of the body. The exposed area we idealy want to be the top half of the back of the dress meanwhile the silk will continue down the body leaving that area open until her mid-lower back. To create the constellations on the mesh we had the idea of doing some form of hand beading whether the larger points of the constellations (the main stars) would be larger beads or a cluster of the smaller ones. This will give the appearance that it's a part of the model's back when she's walking down the runway making her a piece of the universe.

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