Monday, February 7, 2011

Blog 5: Jessa G. and Andreea M.

Dream catchers are powerful objects and many believe they have the ability to capture an individual's dream. Dreams are a beautiful form of expressing our innermost thoughts, whether good or bad. One evening, I woke up from a dream and wrote this poem.

Sometimes I experience
As the sky breathes a new space for starry clarity
What comes to focus are thoughts
The clarity of new words
Words which sink into my bones
Strengthen my core
Even without full understanding
Bring light to a new hope
That time tells all
Time created by single moments
Of bright, color-filled serenity
Specks of emotions
My spirit

This concept uses an object to capture and hold a dream. Because many dreams are fleeting or forgotten, when we do remember them we try to understand the meaning behind them. The meaning behind the poem is that thoughts bring about clarity which in turn settles the soul. Dreams have the power to do the same.

The dress will be made out of soft, flowing fabric. The central focus will be on the dream catcher which will be wrapped around the hand-painted dream. Feathers, beads, twine, and distressed fabric will accent the concept.
When the model walks down the runway the viewer should sense the calm nature of the dream-like state.

1 comment:

  1. I really like the fact that you are using your own poem as the message statement for this dress. The mood board really helps convey the visuals that you are going for. I think the concept of the dream-catcher is very strong and there has always been this sense of mystery with dream-catchers, for me at least, which really lends itself well to the dream world because dreams can be very mysterious as well. I like the idea of the fabrics being very light, flowy and airy. I think the sketches really help bring the message across. I feel your concept is very solid and I am excited to see this dress progress and move forward.
    - Meagan G.
