Saturday, February 12, 2011

Sarah and Nina | Blog 6

Concept 1
The typeface that we have chosen for the conservative dress is Arial (12pt). We chose this font because it is traditional and expected. We chose a sans serif to go with the clean look of the dress. Arial is a sophisticated and professional font, which goes along with the concept of our dress. The type will be “This is me.” and will be repeated uniformly to create a striped pattern. The lines will alternate with one and two rows to make different size stripes. The technique we are using is screen printing with contact paper.

Concept 2
We have chosen to hand render the type on this dress. The type will say “THIS IS ME” in all capitals and no punctuation because this dress is liberating and letting the woman express herself freely. The type will be placed randomly and in three different sizes.  The randomness of the type will compliment the asymmetrical silhouette. This dress will be very free formed at the bottom to represent her breaking out of the shell and being free. This dress will be done with the lino block technique.

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