Sunday, February 6, 2011

Blog 5-TEAM Alex and Cliff

Liberating the Mind
A women’s perspective

            One thing I have noticed while living in the city for the past 3 years is how the media has such a direct influence on how we feel about ourselves. This is something most everyone is aware of, but still we let it manipulate us. Letting your voice be heard can be liberating, but also difficult to do when society expects you to be and act a certain way.  Writing in a diary can only help so much, why not try and share your thoughts out loud? Liberate your mind.

The Concept:
            I want to create a garment that will turn women’s most frequent thoughts inside out. My idea is to have the thoughts and emotions a women experiences on a daily basis painted on the surface of her own dress, positioned on different sections of the body, depending on what the specific thought is focusing on. This dress is meant to connect with people in the audience, and to bring up an issue that a lot of people seem to overlook, or brush off. This will be an informative dress that will be seen and understood by all angles, and will hopefully bring what is usually kept quite to the surface.

            The design of this garment will need to be loud, and be able to be read from all angles to get the full impact. The dress itself will be form fitting in some areas, while accentuating the natural curves women have. To make sure the audience will be able to read the text clearly, we will use a harsh contrast in colors for the text/background, or simply use black and white. The text will vary in sixe depending on the importance of the specific thought. We will use a more structured fabric to construct the dress with, and will use the patchwork technique to clearly show the viewer how many women feel about certain areas of their body’s.


  1. All women struggle with the issues you are discussing and really like the way you are placing them on the different parts of the body depending on the thought.

    I like that you have figured out how you want the audience to connect with the dress. The lettering color choice is very important. It seems like red would stand out best but all red would be too intense. Perhaps you can use white and red and the red can highlight the keywords? Just a suggestion. You will probably have to try some things out to see which color to use. But I love the concept!

    -Laurie G.

  2. I absolutely love this concept. I feel that this is a very common problem in women. We as women let others bring us down so easily, especially with our physical looks. I like the way you created the cut out lines like how you see when you look at a pig and the "cut chart" of the parts and the uses. I like how almost any women can look at this dress and point out one of the "patches" and relate. I personally like the longer dress because it gives you more room to express your ideas. Are you going to make each patch a separate piece of material or is it all going to be one piece and drawn on? Overall great job!
    -Sarah and Nina

  3. Sarah and Nina-I'm glad you like it :) I was thinking of making each patch a separate piece, and using large hand stitches with a contrasting thread color to hold everything together. We were planning on buying a form fitting,strapless dress for a base, and then sewing the patchwork on top.
