Sunday, March 6, 2011

Blog 8 - Nadine Bauthamy and Andrew McGinley

Project 1:

The Dirty War (Guerra Sucia) was a period of state-sponsored violence in Argentina from 1976 until 1983, which was carried out primarily by Jorge Rafael Videla's military dictatorship as a part of Operation Condor; the acts of repression, torture, and assassinations continued until the return to civilian rule in 1983.

Estimates for the number of people who were killed or "disappeared" range from 9,000 to 30,000.

Videla was prosecuted for large-scale human rights abuses and crimes against humanity that took place under his rule, including kidnappings or forced disappearance, widespread torture and extrajudicial murder of activists, political opponents (either real, suspected or alleged) as well as their families, at secret concentration camps.

During his trial, which ended on 22 Dec 2010, Videla took full responsibility for his army's actions during his rule, saying, "I accept the responsibility as the highest military authority during the internal war. My subordinates followed my orders.” Videla was found GUILTY and sentenced to life in prison. He now is 86 years old.


Project 2:

Connie was Daddy’s girl, she was his shining star, and then she dreamt of traveling to Paris and had dreams. Today, her life is confined under the Hawthorne Bridge, struggling every day just to make it through the day. And the cold and the wet weather is the least of her worries. In recent years, there has been a surge in unprovoked attacks against the homeless to the point that a number of states are considering legislation to treat such assaults as hate crimes. Men, and in most cases teenage boys, punch, kick, rape, shoot paintballs and bullets, or set afire people living on the streets, frequently killing them, simply for the sport of it, their victims all but invisible to society. And all Connie has to protect herself, a mere tarp and few blankets.


1 comment:

  1. I think the image of the bags will be interesting to see up behind the bag dress. I like that the political violence panel is focusing on utilizing type to get the message and concept across. I would however try to bring up the contrast between the background black type and the political type. A possibility would be to knock back the black to a gray possibly, at least behind the "political violence" type so that it is clearer to read. Other than that I feel these are both working out nicely for your concepts!
    - Meagan G.
